Political Readings

For those of you who think that politics is the way to go in life, this is the information you will find most interesting.  You will find links to my posts regarding political rants:

The "I" Word 10 December 2011
This is one of the most prickly topics that politicians get to deal with. But they don't. They never deal with things that could make things better.
Open Letter to Congress 21 November 2011
The members of Congress need to understand just how horrible they are, and how much they are hurting the American people. Let's get rid of the horrible stench which inhabits DC. Bring in the new.
My Proposed Tax Plan 12 November 2011
All the candidates this year who have thrown out tax plans, have only thrown out ones which benefit the rich and penalize everyone else. I have come up with a tax plan which is fair and punishes all groups--there is no bias.