Although it was official two weeks ago, I am now comfortable in telling others: I have a job.
It's a great job where I get to do computer programming. If you've read this blog for a while, you may wonder why I'm going into programming when my interest lies in starting businesses.
It is true that I enjoy starting businesses, but right now I need to take some time from that and renew my savings. Starting businesses takes a lot of money, and in order for me to feel comfortable in starting more, I need some sort of a financial buffer zone.
As for programming, I have always had an interest in programming, but because my father does programming, I never wanted to go into it. I felt pressured to do programming and didn't want it to appear that I went into it because he pushed me into it. I wanted to feel that I chose that route of my own free will.
Although I still feel like he pushed me into it, I decided that because I really enjoyed it, I'll set my feelings aside and do it. I need to get over my rebellious nature (better late than never, right?).
Anyway, the company is a great place to work. I am grateful and happy that I now get to work on things which I find worthwhile and meaningful.